
ADS-TEC wins PowerGo as a new client and builds up order log

ADS-TEC Energy has received new orders worth more than 100 million euros. It’s mostly existing clients wanting more of ADS-TEC’s battery-buffered charging stations, but there’s also a new client with projected order volumes “in the tens of millions”.

Image: ADS-TEC Energy

PowerGo is the new client that ADS-TEC has such high hopes for. For now, the Dutch charging point operator initially plans to install 20 ChargeBox systems across Spain and the Netherlands. But, PowerGo is considering rolling out “a significantly larger number” of ultra-fast charging systems in other European countries, including Germany and Denmark. 

ADS-TEC has good reason to expect a higher order volume. PowerGo has won 16 Danish tenders and plans to install around 1,600 public charging points in Denmark over the next two years. In June this year, the Radisson hotel group commissioned the CPO to equip about 300 hotels across Europe with charging infrastructure. PowerGo is also a longstanding partner of the charging platform Spirii to install 15,000 charging points in at least seven countries throughout 2024.

When commenting on the new deal with ADS-TEC, PowerGo CEO Jean-Louis Bertholet said the battery-boosted charging systems delivered “impressive flexibility and speed in terms of their design, quality, and performance”. He added that this was “exactly the kind of system we need to meet the ambitious demands of the market and the strong growth in e-mobility in countries with power-limited grids”.

ADS-TEC reportedly has two storage-based fast charging systems, namely ChargeBox and ChargePost. The ChargeBox does not require a high-voltage connection but charges continuously from the available distribution grid and stores energy in the battery to boost charging power up to 320 kilowatts.

The company introduced the ChargePost in 2022, combining two charging columns with charging electronics and battery storage in an “all-in-one” system. It complements the ChargeBox, which connects the battery booster module to two separate charging columns. With an additional integrated large display, the ChargePost offers other revenue streams through advertising.

In today’s update, ADS-TEC stressed that ChargeBox’s two high-performance charging columns can serve cars and vans but also trucks and buses. Low power connections of less than 110 kVA at a charging location are sufficient to enable ultra-fast charging of up to 320 kW. The company claims this allows charging to a range of 100 km in just a few minutes, even with multi-shift operation of delivery vehicles.

ADS-TEC has not mentioned specific orders or partners adding up to the 100 million euros. Since it speaks of existing partners, these reportedly include GP Joule in Benelux and 50five Group and NXT Mobility in the Netherlands.

The German energy and technology company is also setting up production in North America and invested around eight million dollars in its first US plant in Auburn, Alabama. The build-up of sales, warehousing, service and assembly in Auburn has begun, and management expects the location to reach total capacity in 2024.



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