
ABB & DREEV present 11 kW bidirectional charger

ABB offers a new 11-kW bidirectional charging station specially designed for Vehicle-to-Grid in partnership with French company DREEV, a joint venture between EDF and Nuvve. The first target market is France, followed by the UK, Italy, Belgium and Germany.

The lightweight and compact charging station is the result of a Vehicle-to-Grid partner project that combines ABB’s bidirectional charging technology with DREEV’s software technology. The solution allows drivers of electric vehicles to feed excess energy back into the grid “With potential to generate up to 20€/EV/month,” ABB says.

V2G can kill two birds with one stone: On the one hand, electric car users can reduce their total cost of ownership by phasing the supply of electricity and, on the other hand, bidirectional charging stations can stabilize the fluctuating power generation from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

ABB does not give a concrete date for market entry, nor does it specify the price of the charging solution. Frank Mühlon, head of ABB’s global E-Mobility Infrastructure Solutions business, says he is pleased to support DREEV in making the power grid more resilient thanks to V2G technology. “Our cooperation with DREEV is one of the leading efforts worldwide to deploy real V2G technology to the field,” he adds, also indicating that ABB still has a lot of ground to cover in this direction: “The development of this intelligent bi-directional charging solution will be key in enabling the next step in the evolution of our e-mobility ecosystem and represents a key milestone in ABB’s sustainability strategy.”

DREEV is a joint venture founded in 2019 with an explicit focus on V2G. One of the joint venture’s tasks is to build several hundred terminals on behalf of the energy group EDF. First and foremost on its main European markets, which are France, Belgium, Italy and Great Britain. The joint venture can rely on V2G technology, which Nuvve has been continuously developing since 2010. Specifically, DREEV offers smart management of vehicles on the basis of network signals. Part of the system is to monetize the value created by the provision of energy, as is the case with the charging solution with ABB presented above.



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